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The Shear Comfort™ Neck Collar is a firm, but gentle support that helps keep the neck in a neutral position. The Neck Collar is comfortable and hypo-allergenic, even with prolonged skin contact. It can be used as a neck support in seating, and in bed positioning as part of a 24-hour postural care regime. The Neck Collar comes in either Shear Comfort Original, the natural sheepskin, or Shear Comfort’s unique XD1900™ extra dense, natural wool.


The Neck Collar is particularly useful for people who have weakness or wasting of their neck muscles, with a tendency for the head to fall forwards or side-to-side. It is also used to wick moisture in the neck area preventing skin damage and pressure sores. 


  • Sold individually, available in green or blue
  • Supports the head, keeping it in a neutral position to enable eye contact, swallowing, speaking, breathing, and engaging in other functional activities
  • Helps prevent pressure ulcers or pressure sores
  • Neck support in seating and bed positioning as part of a 24-hour postural care regime to maintain complete optimised postural symmetry
  • Comfort and protection with natural wool or extra dense XD1900 wool
  • Prevents heat and sweat buildup
  • Click here to read further benefits of wool


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Neck Collar (Natural Wool)

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    If you are an overseas customer, wishing to make a purchase on the online shop, please contact us on +44 (0) 1179 666 761 or

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